Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

Happy New Years! I am so exited! I'm going to my friend Adam's house for new years if everyone in my family is feeling well. I can't wait 'till it's 2010! I also can't wait to get to Adam's house. I hope my family feels okay. In some places people say on New Years everyone is one year older, so they would say i was nine tomorrow. I realy hope you people have a good New Years. See ya!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

13 days 'till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

Hi people! I'm so exited i can hardly wait until Christmas! I don't know why, but my family is going to some sort of party tonight. I mean, it's not like i don't want to go, i just don't know why. I think it's a Christmas party. Also, I keep checking my toy donations at U S A martial arts (a black belt program) and it's almost overflowing with toys!

It's a Saturday today, so I don't have school. My baby sister keeps trying to eat the karaoke microphone, and my dad videotaped her squealing in the microphone. I'm also making a secret club. There's gonna be a secret handshake, a secret hideout, and a whole bunch of secrecy. I'm also going to give free drawing and acting lessons.

See ya later!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Toys, toys, everywhere!

Hi! You'll never guess what I'm doing for a good cause. OK, I'll tell you. I'm making a toy drive for the kids in the kids hospital in Plano. I'm collecting new toys. If you are interested in donating, you can leave a comment on this blog. It's so sad that the children's hospital is at use. I'm going to post pictures of me and my mom delivering the toys on December 20th. I'm also very exited about Christmas. I hope I get what I asked for. I also hope you get what you asked for too. I can't believe it's only 18 days 'till Christmas!! I'm taking a sick day today and i'm staying home from school because my stomach is hurting so bad my parents wanted me to stay home today. Happy Hollidays!